Federal Pay Freeze Should Precede a Larger Fiscal Conversation
- December 16, 2010
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mX5Tx9PrHTA[/embedyt] The greatest friend of big business is big government. Thanks to apparent backroom dealings with Colorado Democrats, big tobacco and big government are poised to win big in Colorado with the passage of the state’s new cigarette, tobacco, and nicotine taxes. Small business and the poor come out the losers. Last week, The
READ MOREThe price tag to city residents and shoppers is just too high, threatening to make an already costly city among the most expensive in the country.
READ MOREOkay. I’ll reluctantly admit it. I think Blucifer rocks. I love that creepy, devilish blue “Mustang” statue you drive by on the way to DIA. It is powerful and eerie. And, in full-on Steven King-like glory, this spawn of evil literally killed its own creator. Seriously. While building the monster, Luis Jiménez had the artery
READ MOREIn November of 2016, Colorado’s Public Employees Retirement Association Board (PERA) realized it had a problem. Not only did the state’s public pension system have a current unfunded liability of $50 billion, but overly-optimistic expected returns and overly-pessimistic mortality tables would leave the plan at less than 20 percent funded in a couple of decades
READ MOREPresident Donald Trump and the Republican congress just gave us a large tax cut. But Colorado’s Republican-controlled state Senate had already taken it away. To comprehend how that’s possible, we need to understand the largest betrayal of Republican values in Colorado political history: the tax-hiking, debt-raising, TABOR-busting Senate Bill 267, sponsored by Republican state Sen.