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The dangers of public art

The dangers of public art

Okay. I’ll reluctantly admit it. I think Blucifer rocks.

I love that creepy, devilish blue “Mustang” statue you drive by on the way to DIA. It is powerful and eerie.

And, in full-on Steven King-like glory, this spawn of evil literally killed its own creator. Seriously. While building the monster, Luis Jiménez had the artery in his leg served when the horse’s head came crashing down on him. Family members had to finish the malicious beast after the artist’s death.

Air travel is unsettling to begin with, but to be forced to pass this obviously possessed demon creature, with its burning red eyes, leaves the weak-kneed traveler happy if they only lose their luggage, rather than their souls. And how can you not get a kick out of that?

Read the whole article published by the Denver Post on June 8, 2018.