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  • Rate increase request exposes hypocrisy of tiered rates0

    • January 12, 2012

    Xcel Energy’s recently denied $142 million interim rate increase request exposes the hypocrisy of tiered rates, which were implemented out of fear that high demand would require the building of additional power plants. Yet, more than 37 percent or $52.6 million of Xcel’s request was to cover the cost of excess capacity. In other words,

  • Cozy relationship between Xcel and PUC?0

    • January 12, 2012

    In a surprising move to anyone who has watched the cozy relationship develop between Xcel Energy and the Public Utilities Commission, yesterday the PUC denied Xcel’s $142 million interim rate request. Colorado News Agency columnist Peter Blake (then with Face the State) initially exposed how the PUC, Xcel, and Governor Ritter’s administration colluded on the

  • More problems Abound0

    • January 11, 2012

    Lux Research, a self-described “independent research and advisory firm providing strategic advice and ongoing intelligence on emerging technologies” including solar, predicted that 2012 will not be kind to Colorado’s Abound Solar. Lux’s Matt Feinstein wrote in PV Magazine: Abound. One of the more prominent CdTe start-ups, Abound has been plagued recently by several departures from its

  • Rare economic honesty regarding Canada’s green machine0

    • January 10, 2012

    Sound familiar? fuel switching promise of green jobs that never materialize no cost-benefit analysis or business plans refusing to allow “cost-cutting alternatives that would have saved ratepayers at least $8-billion.” allowing the “green-industry lobby to dictate the structure of the province’s electricity sector in its favour.” “high level of fiscal negligence and abuse of process”

  • Rare economic honesty regarding Canada's green machine0

    • January 10, 2012

    Sound familiar? fuel switching promise of green jobs that never materialize no cost-benefit analysis or business plans refusing to allow “cost-cutting alternatives that would have saved ratepayers at least $8-billion.” allowing the “green-industry lobby to dictate the structure of the province’s electricity sector in its favour.” “high level of fiscal negligence and abuse of process”

  • Golden eagles versus wind turbines0

    • January 6, 2012

    Time for golden eagles to relocate? The West Butte Wind Project in Oregon is asking for “the first programmatic eagle take permit application that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has received…” USFWS just released a draft assessment in what it calls “the first analysis of such a permit that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service