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  • DeGrow: “More Than Budget Cuts” Behind Falling Teachers Union Membership0

    • August 21, 2012

    A story today on American Family Radio News (One News Now) featured comments from senior policy analyst Ben DeGrow about recent reports of a serious membership decline in Colorado’s largest teachers union. In an interview with reporter Bob Kellogg, DeGrow noted that there is more to the explanation than offered by the spokesman for the

  • Accountability, Please? Arbitrator Says Dougco Union Can Keep Tax Funds0

    • August 20, 2012

    Ed News Colorado reports today regarding a dispute over publicly-funded teacher union employees, that an arbitrator has ruled in favor of the Douglas County Federation of Teachers (DCFT) and against the taxpayers. At issue is $118,500 school district officials say the union president agreed to pay rather than be accountable for the use of tax-funded […]

  • Washington Post Calls for Serious Changes to Teacher Pay and Tenure0

    • August 17, 2012

    Real educator compensation reform has grown well beyond being a conservative or liberal issue. We continue to learn more and more about the costs and effects of unproductive pay systems. A couple weeks ago I brought your attention to a possible breakthrough New Teacher Project report called The Irreplaceables — showing how high-performing teachers not […]

  • Let’s Respect and Empower Parents with Choices, Not Look Down on Them0

    • August 16, 2012

    From the files of “Did she really say that?” comes a post written a few days ago by Diane Ravitch, under the heading: “Do parents always know what is best?” Ravitch extensively quotes a Louisiana teacher, who hardly wins friends and influences people with this opener:
    I am tired of this attitude about parents knowing […]

  • Amy Oliver Show: Teachers Have Options at Back-to-School Time0

    • August 15, 2012

    Tim Farmer from the Professional Association of Colorado Educators joins senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow for back-to-school time to talk about declining union membership and other options for teachers.

  • Eagle County Teacher-Technology Controversy Calls for Blended Learning0

    • August 13, 2012

    Several days ago Education Week published a story about a large Colorado school district replacing French and German language instructors with software-driven programs:
    Of all the recent budget cuts made by the Eagle County, Colo., school district —the loss of 89 staff jobs through attrition and layoffs, a 1.5 percent across-the-board pay cut, and the introduction […]