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DeGrow: “More Than Budget Cuts” Behind Falling Teachers Union Membership

A story today on American Family Radio News (One News Now) featured comments from senior policy analyst Ben DeGrow about recent reports of a serious membership decline in Colorado’s largest teachers union. In an interview with reporter Bob Kellogg, DeGrow noted that there is more to the explanation than offered by the spokesman for the Colorado Education Association (CEA):

“The state Department of Education reports the state has only lost about 1,000 teachers,” he notes. “So, three times more losses in membership than in decline in teachers — something more than budget cuts is going on.”

DeGrow suggests that teachers are also put off by high dues and the union’s increasing involvement in partisan politics.

Follow the link to read the story and listen to a 1-minute audio clip.

DeGrow was also quoted making a similar point on the August 15 edition of Choice Media TV’s syndicated Ed Reform Minute.