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  • Parent Power in Colorado: Aiming to Join or Surpass the Dazzling Dozen0

    • April 10, 2013

    Has it really been more than six whole months since the Hollywood movie Won’t Back Down hit the Denver and national scene. While not a blockbuster success, the parent power-themed, feature-length film certainly raised the profile of K-12 education reform. Two moms took charge and took on the bureaucracy and union opposition to change the […]

  • Let’s Not Allow Test Cheating Scandals to Lead to Faulty Conclusions0

    • April 4, 2013

    Let’s go over it again: Standardized tests are far from the be-all and end-all of education. But if we’re not going to put money in student backpacks and make schools directly accountable to parents, how can such assessments NOT be used as a key component of measuring student progress, teacher effectiveness, and school quality? If […]

  • Well, Teachers Union Leaders Could Use a New Argument Against School Choice0

    • April 3, 2013

    Take your hats off to those teachers union officials, they sure know how to plan ahead sometimes. The Education Intelligence Agency’s Mike Antonucci brings our attention to a PBS Newshour clip in which NEA president Dennis Van Roekel tried to respond to a question about why private educational choice works at the college level but […]