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  • CO Observer Features Comment on Union Local Strategy0

    • May 1, 2013

    In a story highlighting contentious negotiations in the Adams 12 school district, The Colorado Observer‘s Sunana Batra cites an Education Policy Center expert about the teachers union leadership’s strategy to resist local reforms: Critics believe the Colorado Education Association (CEA), of which the DTEA is a local affiliate, may be attempting to fight a pitched

  • Ex-Education Secretary William Bennett Visits Dougco, “Very Impressed”0

    • April 30, 2013

    Colorado’s non-union teacher group PACE today posted some more of the results from their recent member survey. Roughly 3 out of every 4 expressed support for “a pathway for career advancement outside of the traditional, seniority-based salary schedule,” often known as a career ladder. One of their members hit the nail on the head: A […]

  • Adams 12 Negotiations Reconsider Tax-Funded Teachers Union Release Time0

    • April 25, 2013

    Interesting news this week out of Phoenix, Arizona, where a judge ruled it unconstitutional for taxpayers to fund police union “release time” activities, and put an injunction on the practice. We’re talking about two different states, and two different sectors of government, but one has to wonder whether a similar case could be made about […]

  • Amy Oliver Show: Adams 12 Union Resists Open Negotiations0

    • April 23, 2013

    Norm Jennings, Adams 12 school board director, talks about the district’s efforts to bring discredited union accusations into the light by holding collective bargaining negotiations in full public view.

  • Dishing Up a Little Friday Irony, American Federation of Teachers-Style0

    • April 19, 2013

    It’s a busy Friday at the end of a sad and difficult week. So I’m happy just to follow Mike Antonucci’s witty lead. Today on his Intercepts blog he pointed out some true “Hedge Fund Hilarity” in a Wall St. Journal column about national teachers union president Randi Weingarten “trying to strong-arm pension trustees not […]

  • Adams 12 School Board Steps into the Light, Calls Union Leaders’ Bluff0

    • April 12, 2013

    In response to the Adams 12 school board asking all employees to share a little more in paying for their pension contributions, teachers union leaders have organized protests and worked with a local TV news reporter to trump up phony, easily debunked charges. To help clear the air the board has asked to open bargaining negotiations to public view, but union leaders say they aren’t interested.