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  • Colorado Educators Again to Decide Whether to Request EMO Political Refunds0

    • November 25, 2013

    For Colorado public educators, it’s that time of year again. Union members can keep their membership but still opt to spend their (as much as $63 in) Every Member Option automatic political deduction on their own. The clock is ticking for educators to request one or both refunds before the December 15 deadline.

  • It’s Not Really as Simple as More Students for Better Teachers… Is It?0

    • November 19, 2013

    Sometimes it’s the small ideas that deserve big attention. No single one of these ideas can solve all the problems and shortcomings in education, but reformers and transformers might find pleasing results from one such strategic change. That’s what we find in a newly released Fordham Institute study by Michael Hansen, “Right-sizing the Classroom: Making […]

  • Wonks Want to Know: Will Colorado Figure Out the Teacher Licensure Connection?0

    • November 14, 2013

    Guess I should be thankful that the big education issue being talked up for next year’s legislative session is teacher licensure. (It was supposed to be last year, but kind of got lost in the shuffle with that whole Senate Bill 213 debate.) As it usually goes with such things, there’s been a group meeting […]