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  • Happy Teacher Appreciation Day! Let’s All Cheer for Performance Pay!0

    • May 6, 2014

    Happy Teacher Appreciation Day! Note that I say “Teacher,” not “Teachers” — and not just because it sounds much less awkward that way. Many, many teachers no doubt are worthy of appreciation. But they should be appreciated, and treated, as the diverse and skilled individuals they are. They bring different backgrounds to the profession, serve […]

  • North Carolina to Follow Colorado’s K-12 Open Enrollment Policy Standard?0

    • May 5, 2014

    Update, 4:30 PM: The Friedman Foundation blog notes the “Friday Freakout” reaction against the proposed North Carolina program is largely based on fears that open enrollment would lead to administrative chaos. That hardly seems like a compelling argument to me. Giving parents more say and students more options in K-12 education should be a no-brainer, […]

  • Teachers vs. the Public on K-12 Education: Scratching the Surface0

    • April 29, 2014

    Earlier today one of my Education Policy Center friends got to watch most of an online telecast of a panel discussion titled Teachers versus the Public: What Americans Think about Schools and How to Fix Them. One of the co-authors of a recently released book by the same name, Dr. Paul Peterson, led the discussion. […]

  • Is It Time to Rethink the Colorado Department of Education’s Role?0

    • April 25, 2014

    A Friday is as good a time as any to step back, survey the education reform landscape, and question some underlying assumptions. The new Fordham Institute report The State Education Agency: At the Helm, Not the Oar summons us to rethink the role of a major player in the K-12 policy world. Here’s the question: […]

  • Could Stopping a Teachers Union Vote Make a New “Hammer” Celebrity?0

    • April 22, 2014

    Last Friday I told you about some Maryland teachers standing up to the union machine and seeking the chance to represent themselves. According to the Education Intelligence Agency’s Mike Antonucci, the story about the Wicomico County Education Association (WCEA)’s attempted breakaway from the state and national union just grows more and more interesting: Upset by […]

  • Breath of Fresh Air: Teachers Stand Up Against Tenure Lawsuit, Union Bullying0

    • April 18, 2014

    It’s a special Friday. For various reasons, you probably have, or at least should have, other things to think about than what I might tell you about the world of K-12 education. But here are a couple observations to share that remind us all teachers are not in lockstep with a certain group’s efforts to […]