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  • Union Leaders Miss Bus as Union Bus (Thankfully) Misses Me0

    • July 14, 2014

    Usually I’m reluctant to cross into the intersection of education policy and national politics. But when I do, I lean heavily on the trusted big people in my life to walk me across the busy lanes of scary-looking traffic. The aftermath of the NEA Assembly in Denver is one of those times when I’m reaching […]

  • Union Flailing against Improved Student Outcomes, Empowered Teachers0

    • July 10, 2014

    The thousands of delegates who gathered in Denver last week for National Education Association’s annual Representative Assembly felt more than just the summer heat. A continuing loss of members and some major rebukes from the courts has kept on the pressure. Still, the nation’s largest teachers union refuses to change its tune. Rather than police the profession and respect individual teacher rights, the politically powerful NEA is trying to change the subject.

  • Would Letting Kids Sleep In More Help Academic Results? Please Say Yes0

    • July 1, 2014

    You know one thing I’m thankful for? My Education Policy Center friends never order a wake-up call to get me out of bed early so they can help me write this blog. Little prodigies like me need all the sleep we can (though I try not to concede that argument when my mom tells me […]