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  • Evaluation Valuation: Goals, Issues, and Questions for the Coming Year0

    • August 5, 2014

    To students like me, teachers are mythical creatures. Sure, I see them every day, but I can’t see behind the proverbial curtain. I don’t know how they judge their success or failure in different areas, how well they are serving their students as a whole, or how they communicate information about their teaching performance to […]

  • Blended Learning Takes Flight in Colo. Districts: How High Will It Soar?0

    • July 17, 2014

    The great blended learning experiment continues its historic ascension in our beautiful Rocky Mountain state. Independence Institute education senior fellow Krista Kafer has documented it better than anyone. Last year it was The Rise of K-12 Blended Learning in Colorado. Apparently, the not-so-long-ago, cutting-edge sphere of blended learning has not just made it past the […]

  • Can Someone Help Me Understand this Third Way on Masters Bumps?0

    • July 15, 2014

    It’s been awhile, but one of my favorite K-12 topics to share with you is the need to change the practice of automatic pay raises for master’s degrees. As recently as 2011, the high-quality research was unanimous (34-0) on the ineffectiveness of awarding teachers masters degrees. As recently as last month, it remains “one of […]