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  • Brookings: Superintendents Don’t Make Big Impact on Student Learning0

    • September 3, 2014

    What exactly should we expect of Colorado’s school district leaders? With a title like SUPERintendent, are we expecting too much of what they can accomplish? What difference does it make for what students in a district learn to have an experienced superintendent as opposed to someone new at the helm? A brand-new Brookings study strongly […]

  • Jeffco Board Steps Up to Reward Outstanding Teachers0

    • August 29, 2014

    Like a lot of kids my age, I get a weekly allowance. It may not seem like much to you, but five bucks buys me an awful lot of valuable stuff (mostly candy). But my allowance isn’t unconditional; I get more when I’m good than when I’m bad. I get more for good grades than […]

  • Back-to-Back: Durango, Pueblo Papers Weigh In for Open Negotiations0

    • August 21, 2014

    Anyone who has been a reader of this blog for any length of time knows that I’m a big fan of open negotiations. When school board representatives and the leaders of employee groups sit down to discuss how huge chunks of taxpayer-funded K-12 budgets are spent, and set policies that affect classrooms, we’re better off […]

  • It Says What? Facts, Fiction, and NEA’s Foot-in-Mouth Disorder0

    • August 20, 2014

    Everyone suffers from foot-in-mouth disorder at some point in their lives. You know the situation: You’re in the middle of an important conversation, things are going well, and you’re looking pretty smart.  Then, with no warning at all, you blurt out something silly. Maybe it was offensive, confidential, or ill-advised. Or maybe it was just […]

  • “What Are People Thinking” about Education? PEPG Makes It Pay to Know0

    • August 19, 2014

    Sometimes you see or hear about some crazy behavior out there, and somewhat aghast, you ask aloud or think: “What are people thinking?” Other times, you’re just curious about the opinions of those adults around you who can affect important issues, and it’s just: “I wonder… what are people thinking?” My faithful fans know that […]

  • Amy Oliver Show: National Employee Freedom Week and Teacher Options0

    • August 15, 2014

    On a special National Employee Freedom Week edition, Professional Association of Colorado Educators regional membership director Tim Farmer discusses the difficulty teachers in many school districts face in trying to exercise their right to end union membership.