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  • Colorado More Leader than Laggard: A Report Card Eddie Can (Mostly) Enjoy0

    • September 12, 2014

    If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you probably know I have a fondness for report cards. A certain kind, anyway. Just as long as it’s not my report card going home to my parents about my performance. Seriously, though, I like to talk about report cards related to education policy — […]

  • Onward and Upward: Jeffco Forges Ahead with New Pay Model0

    • September 8, 2014

    A while back, I wrote about a proposal in Jefferson County that aimed to reimagine the way the district’s pay structure works. The proposal generated much huffing and puffing by the teachers union. Happily, this has not resulted in them blowing the proverbial house down. In fact, the school board voted last week to press […]

  • Michigan Judge Calls Out Union Opt-Out Policy as Unfair to Teachers0

    • September 5, 2014

    My dad once told me a story about when he was a little kid, not much older than I am now. He saw one of the bigger kids on the school playground holding a few of the smaller kids’ lunch money hostage. This bully said he had taken their money for the privilege of being […]