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  • National School Choice Week Simply Means More Reasons to Celebrate0

    • February 1, 2013

    I’m sad to see a successful School Choice Week winding down. There are almost too many different options of what to blog about. Rather than exercise a choice and just do one of the items, I’ve decided instead to blitz you with a bunch of neat items to bring to your attention: Of course, don’t […]

  • On This Measure of Charter School Laws, Colorado Ranks 4th… Not Bad0

    • January 30, 2013

    Keep those education policy grades a-rollin’ in! Not even two weeks since I shared with you that the Center for Education Reform placed Colorado 10th nationally for the strength of its charter school law, here comes another rating. The ever-growing National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (NAPCS) has released its fourth annual ranking of state […]

  • Amy Oliver Show: School Choice Week Celebrates Colorado Options0

    • January 30, 2013

    Education Policy Center director Pam Benigno highlights local School Choice Week events and shares how Colorado parents can take responsibility and learn about their educational options. Colorado has a legacy of public school choice through open enrollment, a process through which the Independence Institute’s School Choice for Kids website can help guide parents.

  • Climb (Dance & Tweet) Aboard the National School Choice Week Train with Me0

    • January 25, 2013

    National School Choice Week is almost here! This year the big celebration, spotlighted by a national cross-country Whistle Stop Tour, features more than 1,000 events from coast to coast. Denver events include two education reform movie showings (including one in Spanish) and a discussion about how school choice affects teachers. You also can learn the School Choice Week flash mob dance, and join in the big Tweet Up.

  • Amy Oliver Show: School Choice Week Celebrates Teacher Options0

    • January 22, 2013

    The Professional Association of Colorado Educators’ Tim Farmer discusses how school choice can benefit teachers, along with new legislation (Senate Bill 017) that would allow teachers to opt out of unions and other membership organizations when they see fit.

  • To Free Up Education Funds, Fix PERA and Offer Scholarship Tax Credits0

    • January 21, 2013

    You know how much I have to restrain myself when it comes to using the “it’s for the kids” mantra, so I simply couldn’t resist quickly bringing your attention to some important new insights from local pension system analyst Joshua Sharf.
    With the tongue-in-cheek title “PERA – It’s All for the Kids,” he paints full-color pictures […]