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  • Dougco Union Power Not Worth Sticking Out a Neck?0

    • June 13, 2012

    Originally posted at Colorado Peak Politics. Re-posted here with permission. By Ben DeGrow In a superb column today, the Denver Post‘s Vincent Carroll raises a question that not long ago would have stretched the bounds of reason: Are these the final days for the Douglas County Federation of Teachers? With June 30 looming as the

  • Nudge, Nudge: CEA’s “Non-Itemized” Math0

    • May 15, 2012

    While their hopes for widespread inattention may be dashed when it comes to this issue of teacher options, union officials maintain an advantage when it comes to incredible campaign finance reporting logic. Specifically, the union’s small donor committee (known as Public Education Committee) uses a clever fiction to report exactly $250,000.00 in “non-itemized” contributions on its most recent report. More than 99 percent of the committee’s revenues have been “non-itemized.” What other groups get the benefit of government systems to provide regular collections for their political activities? What other groups can report exactly $250,000.00 in “non-itemized” contributions with a straight face?

  • House Bill 1333: The Fight to Expand Teacher Options0

    • May 8, 2012

    Tim Farmer, membership director for the Professional Association of Colorado Educators (PACE), explains the case for House Bill 1333 and how it was killed by a Democratic-controlled state senate committee. In particular, he highlights the weakness of arguments used against allowing educators to make union or professional membership choices on a month-to-month basis and what can be done going forward to expand teacher options.

  • Devil’s Advocate: Tim Farmer Touts HB 1333 Options for Teachers0

    • May 3, 2012

    Tune in to Devil’s Advocate as host Jon Caldara is joined by Tim Farmer from the Professional Association of Colorado Educators (PACE) explains Colorado House Bill 1333, which sought to allow educators to make union or professional membership choices on a month-to-month basis. He explains how many teachers are adversely affected by current policies and what the simple legislative proposal would have accomplished.

  • DeGrow Touts Case to Expand Colorado Teacher Options0

    • April 30, 2012

    School Reform News editor Joy Pullmann quoted senior policy analyst Ben DeGrow in a national story about Colorado’s House Bill 1333, which would allow school district employees the freedom to opt in or out of union or professional membership with 30 days notice.

  • How Serious is Douglas County Union about Open Negotiations?0

    • March 20, 2012

    Originally posted at Colorado Peak Politics. Re-posted here with permission. By Ben DeGrow On February 21 a Douglas County grassroots citizen group came forward and urged the reform-minded school board to open union negotiations to public observation. Two weeks later the Douglas County Federation (DCF) surprised many by adding the union’s voice to support bargaining