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DeGrow Touts Case to Expand Colorado Teacher Options

School Reform News editor Joy Pullmann quoted senior policy analyst Ben DeGrow in a national story about Colorado’s House Bill 1333, which would allow school district employees the freedom to opt in or out of union or professional membership with 30 days notice:

All the Republicans on the House Education Committee voted to approve the bill, and all the Democrats voted against it, he said. DeGrow attended the hearing, and said the argument opponents provided against it centered on letting local school districts, and thus state-union-negotiated contracts, retain control.

“The state has an interest in protecting teachers from unfair treatment,” DeGrow said. “Teachers deserve options. It’s a policy of basic commonsense and respect.”

DeGrow also explained in the article other restrictions faced by many Colorado teachers — including the annual Every Member Option political refund and non-union members’ “dues equivalency” opt out requirements — as well as the existing membership options that many are not aware of. For more information on HB 1333, the Professional Association of Colorado Educators (PACE) has put together some resources.