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Colorado Amendment 63 vs. the “endless lawsuit” argument

A common argument against Amendment 63 is that it “will lead to endless lawsuits.” This is like opposing the First Amendment because of potential lawsuits from people seeking to use government to restrict your free speech.

Who would sue in response to Amendment 63? Some are elitists who think they know what kind of health plan is best for you and your family, and want to force you to accept it. Some are exploiters who want to turn your health insurance or health plan into a vehicle for forced charity.

Compare this to people who are suing the federal government for its insurance mandate. They simply want to buy a low-cost catastrophic insurance policy and pay for routine medical expenses with cash.

Or some may want to force people to enroll in Medicaid and other government health programs, which, remember, increase insurance premiums and crowd-out non-government insurance.  This desire is an admission of how lousy these programs are, as they must force people to enroll.

These people deserve moral condemnation for their authoritarian politics and for disrespecting the rights of their neighbors to live according to their own best judgment.