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  • Health Care and the Separation of Charity and State0

    • April 8, 2011

    “If a patient needs a $50,000 operation but cannot afford it, he has the right to ask his friends, family, neighbors, or strangers for monetary assistance—& they have the right to offer it (or not). But the patient has no right to take people’s money without their permission; to do so would be to violate their rights.” – Paul Hsieh, M.D.

  • Questions about the “right” to health care0

    • November 10, 2010

    The alleged “right” to health care lurks behind increasing government involvement in medicine. If there were such a right, asks Stefan Molyneux, “when does a woman in the process of becoming a doctor switch from someone with a right to receive health care to someone with an obligation to provide it?”

  • Amendment 63 protects your individual rights0

    • October 19, 2010

    A and virtually fact-free editorial in the Aurora Sentinel says Amendment 63 “has nothing to do with rights and everything to do with legislative wrongs.” Wrong. It has everything to with rights and preventing legislative wrongs.