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CO Independent Cites DeGrow on Dougco Choice in Supreme Court

A December 12 Colorado Independent story by Lisa Greim on the Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program’s hearing before the Colorado Supreme Court included a comment from senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow about what a favorable ruling might mean:

“There’s a wait-and-see attitude” among districts, DeGrow said. A Supreme Court ruling favorable to school-choice proponents “may change the calculus” of which districts follow Douglas County’s lead and how they structure their programs.

In Greim’s article, DeGrow observed that the one-hour oral arguments on December presented “the tip of the iceberg” regarding a host of complex legal questions, but also noted that “the judges in this case asked both sides some tough and fair questions.”

A ruling in the case of Taxpayers for Public Education v. Douglas County School District is expected in the spring or early summer of 2015. More information on the Choice Scholarship Program can be found on our web page.