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Are Boulder’s housing policies accidentally racist?

Are Boulder’s housing policies accidentally racist?

by Jon Caldara

If whites move into town, it’s called gentrification, and that’s racist. If whites move out of town, that’s called white flight, and well, that’s racist, too. But what if it African-Americans move out? Well, that would just be called Boulder.

As my colleague Randal O’Toole pointed out this month, U.S. Census data shows that between 2010 and 2016 the population of Boulder grew by over 10,000. At the same time the black population of Boulder dropped by 30 percent. Gotta love progressive policies, like growth control, that victimize the very people progressives spend all day yapping their sympathy for.

Boulderites use limits on new construction, growth boundaries and open space to stifle growth in order to enrich themselves — I mean, preserve Boulder’s charming and unique character.

Read the whole article published by the Denver Post on October 27, 2017.