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  • Are Boulder’s housing policies accidentally racist?

    Are Boulder’s housing policies accidentally racist?0

    • October 27, 2017

    by Jon Caldara If whites move into town, it’s called gentrification, and that’s racist. If whites move out of town, that’s called white flight, and well, that’s racist, too. But what if it African-Americans move out? Well, that would just be called Boulder. As my colleague Randal O’Toole pointed out this month, U.S. Census data shows

  • Cities must end the economic apartheid of ‘growth management’

    Cities must end the economic apartheid of ‘growth management’0

    • October 4, 2017

    Boulder residents would bristle at claims they are racist, but the nation’s most progressive cities tend to be the ones that have adopted policies that make housing unaffordable and push low-income people out. Since black per capita incomes remain about 60 percent of whites, they are some of the first to leave such cities.