For 35 years Independence Institute has fought for personal and economic freedom in Colorado. We have become a potent political force for liberty in Colorado. Our effectiveness is only as good as the incredible people who make up our team. And we are insanely effective.
Our Executive Vice President, Amy Cooke, has been the pivotal part of that team.
Walking in the door some 15 years ago as a volunteer she grew through the ranks to become our very effective EVP and one of my dearest, most trusted friends. She is so good at her job she sometimes even lets me think I’m in charge. (So, she’s charitable too.)
Amy has been my true partner in our mission to preserve the Colorado culture, where we crave the freedom to make your own decisions. And it’s been amazing to watch her grow in prestige and impact, to be recognized not only throughout Colorado, but throughout the nation as a true agent of change.
So it is a remarkably bittersweet duty to announce that on January 15th she will be leaving Independence to take on an incredible challenge in another very important swing state (soon to be publicly announced).
There is nobody better able to take on that task. To those on the left planning to seize and convert another freedom loving state to the next big-government, command-and-control state I can only say your job has just gotten a whole hell of a lot harder. You poor souls. I almost pity you. She’s that good.
We at Independence look at political change differently than most of our friends on the right. We don’t just focus on the next election. We focus on building a long-term political infrastructure to ensure liberty wins in the future. We invest in changing political culture.
Political success can be boiled down to one word – addition. Addition of voters. Addition of activists and allies, Addition of media, voices, stories and narrative.
And that takes people. Great people. In order to win, we have developed the skill of addition of talent into our movement, bringing effective people from outside the political world into the strange culture of political change. Amy Cooke is perhaps our finest example of that skill of growing talent. Now she’ll bring that skill to the south.
We are all grateful for what Amy has done for Independence and Colorado. Amy, I am grateful and am humbled for all you have done for me.
Now go make us proud!
Think Freedom,