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  • Amy Cooke’s big promotion

    Amy Cooke’s big promotion0

    • January 7, 2020

    For 35 years Independence Institute has fought for personal and economic freedom in Colorado. We have become a potent political force for liberty in Colorado. Our effectiveness is only as good as the incredible people who make up our team. And we are insanely effective. Our Executive Vice President, Amy Cooke, has been the pivotal

  • Coloradans are taking on the state’s largest monopoly utility

    Coloradans are taking on the state’s largest monopoly utility0

    • March 7, 2018

    With COPUC approval, Xcel, the state’s largest monopoly utility, plans to shift its generating portfolio from away from majority hydrocarbons (coal and natural gas) in favor of industrial wind, solar, and battery storage.

  • VIDEO: Go Inside the EPA with Myron Ebell

    VIDEO: Go Inside the EPA with Myron Ebell0

    • March 20, 2017

    Get inside President Trump’s EPA with transition team leader Myron Ebell and transition team member Amy Cooke. What will the EPA look like under President Donald Trump? What do these changes mean for Colorado? Watch the video below to find out!  

  • Optimism for the EPA in the Age of Trump

    Optimism for the EPA in the Age of Trump0

    • February 28, 2017

    With the confirmation of former Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to become the next head of the Environmental Protection Agency, President Trump is ready to make good on some of his campaign promises to roll back several of President Obama’s controversial, costly, and legally questionable regulations.