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August 11, 2012 Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms Party

Most politically incorrect event of the year:

10th Annual Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Party!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM    Registration

9:00 AM    Safety Instruction

9:10 AM Intermediate and Advanced Shooters proceed to course, Novices begin at the 5 Stand

10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Lunch guests may take a few shots at the 5 Stand

12:30 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch is served (time is approximate and may change to get all the shooters through the course.

1:00 PM  Presentation by special guest David Martosko, Executive Editor of The Daily Caller

1:30 PM Awards

The Independence Institute will be sponsoring its 10th Annual Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) Sporting Clay Shoot on Saturday, August 11, 2012 at the Kiowa Creek Sporting Club in Bennett, Colo. Stayed tuned for our guest speaker!

Billed  as “the most fun, most politically incorrect event of the year,” the ATF Party will give attendees of all skill levels the opportunity to hone their shooting abilities and celebrate those civil liberties – smoking, shooting and drinking – that most irritate nannyists.

Last year’s event sold out and we expect the same this year.

The award-winning event features a PETA-friendly clay pigeon shoot followed by a clubhouse luncheon complete with whiskey and cigars in one of the last places available to smokers – the outside.

The $150 fee to participate in the ATF event also includes 100 sporting clays, ammunition, lunch, libations, cigars (or smokeless if you prefer) and lunch time entertainment. Past lunch speakers include Steve Moore of the Wall Street Journal, Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, the Capitalist Pig Jonathon Hoenig, Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard, internationally renowned columnist Christopher Hitchens and video blogger Mary Katharine Hamm.

Buy your tickets online today!

T-shirts commemorating this year’s ATF Shoot will be available for $15 and figure to be the most sought after fashion item for the well-dressed, politically-incorrect crowd.  Pre-order your t-shirt here! (T-shirts should be in-stock in mid-July).

Links to Past ATF Parties with pictures and videos:


For more information, please call Mary at 303-279-6536 x102 or e-mail mary@i2i.org