You are officially invited to our virtual drinking party, Freedom on Tap, as we hoist a couple with constitutional experts David Kopel and Rob Natelson and your video call-ins. We’ll chat about COVID, of course, but the real goal is just to socialize and have some bar talk.
Here’s what you need to know:
When: April 7th 7:00 PM MT
Join us via your favorite digital platform!
Zoom: (download here) and then use the following to join our meeting:
Zoom Meeting ID:130-641-389
Zoom Meeting Password: 005640
Technical stuff
- If you want to “video in” live and talk with us, and I hope you do, you MUST be connected via Zoom and you MUST have a drink in your hand.
- If you don’t want to be on video with us live, any format will work just to watch, and you MUST have a drink in your hand.
- If you don’t want to join us at all, well, then you’re just drinking alone. And that’s just sad.
Is drinking together during the crisis patriotic? Consider the bar tab from the 1787 farewell party in Philadelphia for George Washington just days before the framers signed off on the Constitution. According to the bill preserved from the evening, the 55 attendees drank 54 bottles of Madeira, 60 bottles of claret, eight of whiskey, 22 of porter, eight of hard cider, 12 of beer, and seven bowls of alcoholic punch. That’s more than two bottles of the fruit of the vine, plus a number of shots and a lot of punch and beer, for every delegate.
Our founders challenge us to do better. And we at Independence stand ready!
So tomorrow, unwind with us and have a drink as we break from house arrest and socially un-distance.
Drink Freedom,