Often the left has used this quote while chanting “dissent is patriotic,” as they burn flags and lay down in middle of streets. By contrast, real civil disobedience today is opening your business, hiring people, and paying your taxes.
One brave winery owner heeded the wise words of Jefferson and opened her business in defiance of government overreach. Forget the Boston Tea Party. Time for the Wine Party!
Jennifer Hulan, the owner of The Water’s Edge Winery and Bistro in Centennial, opened her restaurant to in-person dining on May 1st, taking social distancing precautions and letting her customers CHOOSE for themselves whether or not they felt safe coming into her restaurant. Neither customers nor employees were forced to come into the restaurant, yet, come they did!
I wrote about her story for The Gazette. I hope you’ll share her story.
The story was so popular, Instapundit picked it up!
Jennifer’s reward for making a living? Someone turned her in, filing a complaint with the Tri-County Health Department and opening an investigation that ultimately forced her to shut down her in house service and subjecting her to further investigations. Like fascist Germany, the Soviet states, and China the government is ENCOURAGING citizens to snitch on each other for freely associating.
In the 1960s, another generation of heroes fought a great injustice through civil disobedience. Rosa Parks was arrested for sitting in the wrong seat. Martin Luther King, Jr. was arrested for organizing a mass protest. Black students were arrested and viciously attacked for sitting at a restaurant bar and demanding service.
These are the heroes that stood up to injustice and tyranny. Jennifer Hulan is just trying to keep her business open. She too, is a hero in my eyes.
Kim Monson, radio host and good friend of Jennifer’s, has launched a crowd-funding campaign on our freedomfy platform to help with her legal and other costs. I hope you’ll help this modern day Rosa Parks with a few bucks. She needs the support and we need her booze. And if you’re around the Centennial area, I hope you’ll order some food and wine from her restaurant from their website.
So, what will your civil disobedience be?
Think Freedom,