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What Sesame Street can teach us about Colorado Gives Day

What Sesame Street can teach us about Colorado Gives Day

I remember watching Sesame Street as a kid, and other than thinking that Cookie Monster and I were brothers separated as infants, I’d loved their little game, “one of these things is not like the others.” You’d get to choose which thing didn’t belong in the same group with the other things. You know, they’d show a bunch of fruit and a bowling ball.  I don’t know if they still do that on Sesame Street today, or if some social justice warrior stopped because it promoted exclusion.

But you can play that same game just by scrolling through the list of charities on the Colorado Gives Day website.

Don’t get me wrong, Colorado Gives Day is a great way to encourage folks to give to great charities, but have you ever noticed how many charities’ mission are to push progressive political change? The Bell Policy Center, social justice groups like the “Colorado Center on Law & Policy,” The People’s Alliance, Common Cause, and CoPIRG. I could go on and on.

Then there’s ONE that’s just not like the others. A little politically incorrect organization hell-bent on keeping Colorado from turning into California and having a grand ol’ time doing it.

If you really want to thumb your nose at the recent progressive takeover of our once liberty-loving state, donating to Independence Institute for Colorado Gives Day would do the trick.

Hundreds of folks like you are helping us turn Colorado Gives Day into Give Freedom Day! Join us!

Last year was terrific — we surpassed our goal and raised more than $75,000 to fund freedom. But this year can be even better. With your help, we think we can raise $85,000 to protect liberty in Colorado from the coming Leftist onslaught. Are you in?

You don’t need to wait until Dec. 4th to make your donation. Do it now! Do it today! Because every single dollar you give will be multiplied. LINK HERE TO GIVE

It’s so easy even I can do it. What’s even better is that donations are tax deductible.

Call Carrie Newton at 303-279-6536 x 120 or email her at Carrie@i2i.org if you want to learn more.

By the way, my kids watched Sesame Street and Cookie Monster now eats fruits and vegetables instead of cookies. God bless the nanny takeover! It’s coming to Colorado next.

Think Freedom,
