Monday has rolled around, and some of you are still dragging from the weekend. Well, let me tell you, it’s time to wake up. What will do it? Watch this clip of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie schooling a teacher on the big picture of his state’s budget, and unraveling some of the myths and propaganda laid out by the state’s teachers union (H/T This Week in Education):
Why do I feature this video? To make sure readers have the chance to witness a startling example of bold, direct and effective education leadership in action. Sometimes the truth hurts, and this kind of blunt talk is very rare in a world too often dominated by politically correct platitudes. New Jersey may be an especially extreme case, but Colorado has plenty of its own examples of teachers union obstruction and abuses. When union leadership is to blame, they need to be called on it — plain and simple.
By the way, did that teacher lady say lamb basted? Color me confused what that had to do with anything they were talking about at the public meeting. Sounds like something my parents would like to eat. As for me, I’ll stick with mac & cheese. But no bologna. Frankly, I doubt either Gov. Christie or I will be taking any of that for awhile.