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Trimming Bureaucracy, Adding Military School?: Latest Falcon 49 Innovation

The state’s most under-reported K-12 education story of the year — at least under-reported outside Colorado Springs — remains the deep and fast-paced innovation efforts in Falcon School District 49. Thankfully, reporters at the Gazette continue to keep tabs on developments. I wanted to share the latest two with you.

In one key cost-saving move, the District 49 board further streamlined bureaucracy by consolidating positions and converting two key administrative posts from employees into contract jobs. Then yesterday the Gazette reported that leaders were floating the idea of opening a military academy, among the many innovations being considered and implemented.

All this while an apparently misguided effort to recall one of the key school board members moves forward. Though that particular development is hardly surprising. Significant change toward productivity and innovation, in the political sphere of public K-12 education, is almost certain to generate some resistance and backlash. I hope that this activity doesn’t thwart, slow down or throw off course the landmark innovation efforts underway in Falcon.

Need more context? Here’s a look back at some other items I’ve written this year on District 49:

Stay tuned to the Gazette and this blog for more as the year unfolds, and District 49 moves closer to its formal Innovation Schools Act proposal.