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The invisible B.C. government and your rights to property

IP-1 (January 2005)
Author: Norris Barens

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In May 2005 I notice a parking ticket on my motor home for $100.00 the ticket said that I was guilty of parking a large vehicle for more than 3 hours abutting private residents. Ok  I am choked. You see I work in the movie industry as a first aid attendant and work long hours I have to park my motor home in front of my house so I can have time to sleep before my next shift. This compelled me to do research on my parking ticket. What I found was so disturbing it caused me to seriously question the political system in which I live. I am now determined to expose the crime of  Treason that was perpetrated on the citizens of Vancouver and the abuse of the Canadian political system as a whole.

For my job in the movie industry I require a motor home because my job entails carrying supplies for cooking soups and various other snacks such as pop, candies, sandwich meats. Dips, cups, bowls and so on as well as cooking and serving equipment to serve the cast and crew as well as carrying my stock of first aid equipment. As you can imagine this requires a great deal of space packing around enough food for a hundred plus people.

Copyright © All rights reserved Norris Barens