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  • Irresponsible by ratepayers: Is Xcel floating legislation for mandated CO version of CPP?

    Irresponsible by ratepayers: Is Xcel floating legislation for mandated CO version of CPP?0

    • March 12, 2017

    If it’s devious and being done behind closed doors, it must be Xcel Energy. Late Friday, two reliable sources independently sent me a copy of what appears to be draft legislation that the monopoly investor-owned utility is quietly shopping around the Gold Dome, in search of a sponsor. Xcel’s name isn’t anywhere on the draft,

  • Elections have consequences: Wonder if Dr. Wolk has changed his mind?

    Elections have consequences: Wonder if Dr. Wolk has changed his mind?0

    • November 30, 2016

    Remember when Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) chief Dr. Larry Wolk told the Denver Post‘s Vincent Carroll that his agency was “the conduit for the EPA”? The response followed a question from attorney Ray Gifford that Carroll then posed to Wolk in the context of President Obama’s controversial Clean Power Plan (CPP)