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  • Antiques or Obsolete?0

    • June 20, 2012

    Someone made a little poster designed to convey the value of high-speed rail. I made a couple of modifications that I think improve it quite a bit.

  • Selectively Enforcing the Law0

    • June 4, 2012

    Last week, Andrew asked why the Antiplanner hadn’t commented on the federal shutdown of dozens of “Chinatown bus” companies, and the simple answer is that I hadn’t heard about it until then. Although my friends at the American Bus Association, whose members do not include the Chinatown bus companies, are happy about the shutdown, I […]

  • The Nigerian Streetcar Scam0

    • June 1, 2012

    Yesterday, the MacIver Institute published the Antiplanner’s study of a proposed streetcar line in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In response, I received the following intriguing email. Dearly Beloved, I know this letter will come as a surprise to you, but I hope you will read it in detail. My name is Chuck Hails, and I am the […]

  • CNN Does a Number on HSR Numbers0

    • May 31, 2012

    CNN reports that the cost of California high-speed rail has tripled, and it correctly points out that federal taxpayers will be expected to pay for most of it. While this is a somewhat belated report, it is nice to see this boondoggle get the attention it deserves. CNN gets some numbers wrong; as the Antiplanner […]

  • Two Driverless Models0

    • May 30, 2012

    After demonstrating its driverless car to Nevada’s governor, Google obtained the first official license for a self-driving car. Meanwhile, in Europe, Volvo is pursuing the convoy model of driverless cars. In this model, a human-driven truck or bus takes the lead and anyone whose car has the appropriate technology can follow with the cars being […]

  • Time to Say “No”0

    • May 29, 2012

    Peter Rogoff, the FTA administrator who once said the federal government should say “no” to cities that want federal grants to build rail lines they can’t afford to maintain, is unable to say “no” to Portland when it asked the feds to pay half the cost of a ridiculously expensive light-rail line. Moreover, Rogoff insists […]