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  • Energy in 2012 GA: Legislators address HB 1365, tiered rates and the PUC0

    • January 22, 2012

    Two years after the passage of the fuel-switching bill HB 1365, Governor Bill Ritter’s “crown jewel” of the new energy economy, supporters would like the debate to go away. But like a nagging cough, it just won’t. Several bills in the 2012 legislative session address issues raised surrounding the collusion to draft HB 1365, the

  • Rate increase request exposes hypocrisy of tiered rates0

    • January 12, 2012

    Xcel Energy’s recently denied $142 million interim rate increase request exposes the hypocrisy of tiered rates, which were implemented out of fear that high demand would require the building of additional power plants. Yet, more than 37 percent or $52.6 million of Xcel’s request was to cover the cost of excess capacity. In other words,