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  • Backgrounder: $617 million in Hidden Taxes from 2021 Session0

    • June 15, 2021

    With the 2021 Colorado regular legislative session concluded, lawmakers have approved tax and fee increases on Coloradans of up to $617 million annually without voter consent. The new revenues are enough to give every schoolteacher in Colorado a $11,343.65 per year raise. The tax and fee increases amount to an average of $430 per year

  • Denver, Colorado Sales Taxes Increased Without Voter Consent

    Denver, Colorado Sales Taxes Increased Without Voter Consent0

    • March 12, 2021

    Denver’s 2021 budget reveals that the city expects to collect $14 million in new sales tax revenues this year by taking advantage of a 2018 United States Supreme Court ruling for the first time. The State of Colorado began collecting new sales tax revenues under the same scheme in 2019. These tax increases have come

  • “True Colorado”—Educating newcomers about Colorado values

    “True Colorado”—Educating newcomers about Colorado values0

    • November 20, 2019

    When asked to list Colorado values, Lemon mentions . . . .self-reliance[,] neighborly assistance, personal freedom, local control, love of the outdoors, health and fitness, and friendliness toward strangers. He further emphasizes the state’s tradition of entrepreneurship