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  • State Senator cites our work as a reason for PUC audit0

    • June 23, 2011

    State Senator Scott Renfroe (R-Greeley) said in an interview on the Amy Oliver Show on 1310 KFKA that information we published was influential in his decision to request an audit of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. Specifically Senator Renfroe cited: Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) request for all travel documents for the PUC commissioners that lead

  • Breaking News: Binz Withdraws0

    • February 10, 2011

    A few minutes ago, I was sent a copy of a letter from PUC Chairman Ron Binz to Governor John Hickenlooper, in which Binz withdraws from consideration for another four year term. I just called the PUC media office, and a spokesman confirmed that Binz is stepping down. He was appointed PUC Chairman in January

  • Update: ethics complaints for travelin' PUC0

    • January 15, 2011

    You read it here first. PUC commissioners Ron Binz (chairman) and Matt Baker have made some ethically questionable trips during their tenure on the PUC: At least one trip appears particularly problematic. BENTEK Energy, an Evergreen-based energy company, paid nearly $1000 in travel expenses for Binz to attend and participate in the “Benposium” in Houston

  • PUC Chair spends lots of time out of the office0

    • December 8, 2010

    Just about the time that Xcel Energy customers have recovered from the sticker shock of this summer’s air conditioner tax, ratepayers await another decision from the Public Utilities Commission on how much more their bills will increase – this time due to HB 1365, the controversial fuel-switching bill. Our paper “Colorado’s Clean Air Clean Jobs

  • Heading into HB 1365 Crunch Time, A Rundown of Who Is Hoping for What0

    • December 7, 2010

    As reported yesterday by Mark Jaffe in the Denver Post, the PUC on Monday partially ruled on Xcel’s HB 1365 implementation plan. Nothing controversial was determined; instead, the PUC approved elements that were common to all of the plans “on the table.”* The disputed subject matter was left for today—namely, what is to be done

  • Incriminating Emails Suggest Gov Ritter Played Puppet Master on HB 13650

    • November 8, 2010

    Last Thursday, seven Colorado State Senators sent Governor Bill Ritter a letter demanding that he remove PUC Commissioners Ron Binz and Matt Baker from deliberations on HB 1365, the Clean Air Clean Jobs Act. The Senators’ request is based on almost 70 pages of emails, obtained by the Colorado Mining Association with a Colorado Open