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  • A Roman Woman Pleads With Americans Not to Give Up Their Liberty!0

    • September 8, 2015

    During the first century BCE, concerned Romans saw their free republic being undermined by a demagogues who sought and held power by promising “benefits” to low-information voters. Ultimately, Romans lost their freedom entirely. In this impassioned video, Lilia Domilla, a young Roman woman, warns Americans to preserve their liberties and not slip as her country

  • Myth-Busting: The “Roman Condominium” Myth0

    • May 26, 2013

    Much of my scholarly research is designed to set the historical record straight—essentially myth-busting. For reasons I’ll explain another time, most legal writers are terrible historians. They tend to cherry-pick history to promote a case, and when there aren’t enough historical facts, they sometimes make them up. My efforts to correct the record are best