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  • July 9 Colorado Energy Roundup: government won't appeal in Colowyo case, true costs of wind energy revealed0

    • July 9, 2015

    Perhaps the most pressing energy and jobs-related issue in Colorado right now is the legal battle over the Colowyo Mine in the northwest part of the state: The U.S. Department of the Interior has decided not to pursue an appeal of a federal court ruling that threatened to close Colowyo coal mine in Northwest Colorado.

  • Colorado’s cruel approach to energy policy0

    • February 25, 2014

    By Amy Oliver Cooke “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun,” wrote environmental doomsday prophet Dr. Paul Ehrlich in 1975. That’s a cruel statement directed at people who simply want electric lights so their children can read at night, a refrigerator to keep food from

  • Progressive criticism of PUC nominee Vaad is about ALEC rather than energy0

    • January 8, 2014

    Progressive left logic: Progressives want to destroy ALEC. Moderate Republican PUC nominee Glenn Vaad has been a member of ALEC. Therefore progressives want to destroy Glenn Vaad even though he has supported increasing Colorado’s renewable energy mandate and fuel switching. The progressive left’s criticism of Governor John Hickenlooper’s appointment of former State Representative Glenn Vaad