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  • Ugly Smear Column Tries, Fails to Shove Conservative Education Reform Aside0

    • November 11, 2015

    I hope you all enjoyed a nice, long break from recent depressing edu-happenings over the last few days. I also hope that your disappointment is tempered by hope for the future. As my friend Ross Izard pointed out in a recent op-ed—and as my dad always says—it ain’t over ‘til the fat lady sings. I never have […]

  • ACLU vs. Nevada Families: Another Big Anti-School Choice Case to Wait Out0

    • August 31, 2015

    The Pope is Catholic. The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. The grass is green, the sky is blue. And certain parties will sue groundbreaking educational choice programs that promise to help give kids more opportunities. Two months ago, an ACLU-initiated case against the Dougco Choice Scholarship Program prevailed in the […]

  • What’s New? PDK/Gallup Survey Flubs School Choice Question Once More0

    • August 25, 2015

    For being so young, it feels like I’ve really had to repeat myself a lot lately. Not “Get off my lawn”-type of repetition, but still… it gets a little annoying sometimes. Just in the last couple weeks, the theme applies to Colorado’s need for course choice and the same old results for our state from […]

  • New Mackinac Video Reminds Us of the Power of Choice0

    • July 24, 2015

    Hello, fellow education policy explorers! It’s 4:15 on a Friday afternoon, and your favorite little edu-wonk has quite a few things left to accomplish before he heads into a fun-filled weekend. Unfortunately, that means we aren’t going to have time for an in-depth conversation today. But never fear!  The Mackinac Center for Public Policy has […]

  • A Worthy Celebration of Instant Gratification: NC Court Upholds Choice0

    • July 23, 2015

    Only a few weeks ago we received the long-awaited news on Douglas County’s Choice Scholarship Program. While the Colorado Supreme Court narrowly left us to wait even longer and hold out hope for something even bigger and better, today brings some news of instant gratification. I only have a few minutes to share with you […]

  • NEA’s Push for “Ethnic Studies” Raises Questions0

    • July 22, 2015

    I think it’s great to see people stand up for minority kids. My policy friend Ross Izard’s recent profile of Arrupe Jesuit High School was a reminder of just how powerful those efforts can be, particularly in the context of using educational choice to provide opportunities these kids otherwise would not have. Some of you […]