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  • 197,000


    • July 31, 2020

    197,000 That’s how many signatures we delivered to the Secretary of State’s office this morning to get our #RealFairTax cut on this fall’s ballot. Do you have any idea how long it took me to forge that many signatures? But seriously, it was great joining State Senator Jerry Sonnenberg, my co-proponent on Initiative 306, to

  • Independence Institute Launches Tax Reduction Ballot Initiative

    Independence Institute Launches Tax Reduction Ballot Initiative0

    • May 18, 2020

    To “Energize our Economy” Independence Institute Launches Tax Reduction Ballot Initiative May 18, 2020 Denver – Independence Institute, Colorado’s free-market think tank, announces its petition drive launch today of a ballot initiative that will reduce the flat Colorado state income tax rate from 4.63% to 4.55%. The signature gathering process for Initiative #306 will begin today.