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  • Saving America and election Integrity: 2nd in a series

    Saving America and election Integrity: 2nd in a series0

    • January 24, 2021

    Now, if these characters don’t understand even the fundamentals of their jobs, how can we expect them to know enough to govern health care? Or education? Or the environment? Or defense, commerce, or any of the other activities they purport to regulate?

  • Sorry, Vice-President Pence can’t replace electors on his own

    Sorry, Vice-President Pence can’t replace electors on his own0

    • January 3, 2021

    “[T]he failure of the Trump legal team and its allies to understand the Constitution’s rules on presidential elections has cost them dearly. They have evidence of fraud and other election irregularities. But they have not used that evidence well.”

  • Supreme Court curbs the COVID police

    Supreme Court curbs the COVID police0

    • December 29, 2020

    The most memorable opinion was written by Justice Gorsuch. In joining the majority, he reminded us that “Government is not free to disregard the First Amendment in times of crisis.”