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  • Let the Gas Tax Expire0

    • August 8, 2011

    The Antiplanner has written several recent posts about Congressional reauthorization of transportation spending. But an even more imminent transportation reauthorization deadline is coming up: that for transportation revenue in the form of gas taxes. The law allowing such taxes is due to expire on September 30. Recalcitrant Republicans held airline ticket taxes hostage for several […]

  • Obama Undercuts Case for HSR and Rail Transit0

    • August 4, 2011

    President Obama has ordered the auto industry to make cars that average 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. This is after his 2009 order directing the industry to make cars that average 34.5 miles per gallon by 2016. As a free-market advocate, I should be outraged that Obama is ordering private enterprise around like a […]

  • Paradox or Not?0

    • August 2, 2011

    Every family, every company, every nation must decide how much to spend today and how much to save/invest for the future. The decisions they make reflect their internal discount rate, which is the rate (expressed as an annual percent) that they discount future benefits and costs. In the case of the recent debt deal, Democrats […]

  • Biketopia Is Mantopia0

    • July 27, 2011

    Cyclists want to spend millions of dollars out of highway user fees to build new bicycle infrastructure, including bike paths and lanes. But a recent survey by a bicycle advocacy group found that the most important reason women don’t bike is not lack of infrastructure, but because it is not convenient for them to do […]

  • Senate Bill DOA0

    • July 27, 2011

    Continue spending money at current levels that are far greater than revenues. Drain the Highway Trust Fund. Make a few token changes in the law to make it look like you are doing something. Then revisit all the issues in just two years because you are too chicken to make the hard decisions today. That’s […]

  • Henry J. Is Spinning in His Grave0

    • July 26, 2011

    To find everything that is wrong with American transportation, you only need to look at the process for replacing the Interstate 5 crossing of the Columbia River. Planning for a new bridge or bridges between Portland and Vancouver began at least six years ago, and planners have so far spent well over $130 million without […]