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  • Driverless Cars Take Off0

    • December 7, 2011

    Self-driving cars will transform mobility, says Sebastian Thrun, the engineer who led the development of the Volkswagen and Google self-driving cars. The fact that Thrun’s article is featured in the New York Times constitutes a major endorsement from America’s “newspaper of record.” This is the only major endorsement for driverless cars as represented by Thrun. […]

  • Remember When Transit Used to Be Efficient?0

    • December 6, 2011

    Arlington County, Virginia wants to spend $261 million building a streetcar line that, just four years ago, was expected to cost $100 million less. The streetcar’s costs are now expected to average $50 million a mile. That’s quite literally insane. When San Diego built the first modern light-rail line, which opened in 1981, it cost […]

  • If You Don’t Like the Data, Attack the Messenger0

    • December 2, 2011

    California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office announced this week that the state is about to waste $6 billion or more starting construction on a high-speed rail line that will never be completed. “The availability of funding to complete a usable segment is highly uncertain,” said the report, to which the Antiplanner responds, “Duh!” Yet some people aren’t […]

  • Remember When “Transit” Meant “Transportation”?0

    • December 1, 2011

    Portland’s TriMet transit agency is spending more than $370,000 to install solar panels on a downtown building. This will initially save the agency less than $3,700 a year, and even if the savings increase over time, when interest is counted there will be something close to a 100-year payback period. Someone comments on the above […]

  • Reviving California High-Speed Rail0

    • November 25, 2011

    The California High Speed Rail Authority has reason to be thankful this week as the U.S. Department of Transportation gave it another $900 million, keeping hopes alive for the state’s rail program. That means the feds have given the state a total of about $4.5 billion which, when matched with state bonds (which can only […]

  • Reauthorization or Gridlock in 2012?0

    • November 22, 2011

    Speaker of the House John Boehner announced last week that House Republicans will soon introduce a surface transportation reauthorization bill called the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act. The good news is that the plan (now available only in outline form) would eliminate New Starts and other slush funds that encourage cities to waste money. […]