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  • Selectively Enforcing the Law0

    • June 4, 2012

    Last week, Andrew asked why the Antiplanner hadn’t commented on the federal shutdown of dozens of “Chinatown bus” companies, and the simple answer is that I hadn’t heard about it until then. Although my friends at the American Bus Association, whose members do not include the Chinatown bus companies, are happy about the shutdown, I […]

  • Poverty Reduces Congestion0

    • May 24, 2012

    The soviets had a successful policy for minimizing traffic congestion: keep people too poor to drive. Environmentalists today want to use the same policy: tax the heck out of gasoline; prevent the development of Alberta tar sands (“keep the tar sands oil in the soil” says one group); stop the development of natural gas. The […]

  • Ho Hum, Another Airline Merger0

    • May 21, 2012

    American and US Air are thinking of merging, so naturally it’s time for a scare story about how mergers will lead to higher prices. Not likely. A few years ago, there were six big airlines, but four of them–Delta & Northwest, United & Continental–merged into two. But Southwest is now one of the big four, […]

  • Dirty Politics in Lane County0

    • May 18, 2012

    In Oregon’s primary election this past Tuesday, Andy Stahl, who frequently comments on this blog, lost his bid to become Lane County (Oregon) commissioner. It is hard for me to tell this story, as I am one of the reasons he lost. His opponent was Pete Sorenson, a four-term incumbent. I’ve known Pete for about […]

  • Obama Plays Hardball with California0

    • May 16, 2012

    The Obama administration is threatening to take back the $3.3 billion high-speed rail grant to California if the state legislature fails to approve the state’s high-speed rail plan by the end of June. Legislators had planned to hold some hearings this summer so they could base their decisions on actual facts rather than politics. Ironically, […]

  • Why Didn’t He Take a Stand on Pot?0

    • May 11, 2012

    When a president takes a stand on a highly controversial issue like gay marriage in an election year, you know he is doing it solely to motivate his base. How so? The job of the president has nothing to do with who can and cannot get married, so in announcing that he supports gay marriage, […]