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  • CATO: A Critique of the National Popular Vote

    CATO: A Critique of the National Popular Vote0

    • March 29, 2019

    Read John Samples policy paper on the reasons states should not join the National Popular Vote compact.

  • Stop the National Popular Vote

    Stop the National Popular Vote0

    • March 27, 2019

    Governor Polis has signed into law Colorado’s participation in the National Popular Vote Inner-State Compact. If just a few more states join the compact then Colorado’s presidential electors will vote not how Colorado voters instruct them, but how California and New York voters tell them to. We’ve done quite a bit of work explaining why

  • Rob Natelson Talks National Popular Vote

    Rob Natelson Talks National Popular Vote0

    • March 4, 2019

    Constitutional scholar and author Rob Natelson sits down with guest host Mike Krause to discuss the national popular vote scheme being cooked up in Colorado.