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  • Don’t let Clements tragedy derail Colorado’s criminal justice reform efforts0

    • April 10, 2013

    Let’s not allow a tragedy to undo years of careful work toward sound policy reforms.

  • Trust Judges with Juvenile Placements0

    • April 16, 2012

    When Colorado lawmakers created the direct-file option, the expectation was that it would be used primarily for homicide cases. However, less serious offenders and juveniles who never spent time in a juvenile facility being sent to the adult system indicate the current system has gone too far and, like other governmental functions, needs appropriate checks and balances.

  • The Case for Further Sentencing Reform in Colorado0

    • January 14, 2011

    The first and most basic duty of Colorado’s criminal justice system is to protect the innocent from force and fraud. And as a government service, the roughly $32,000 (average cost)1 taxpayers spend annually per state prisoner is a good bargain for the separation of violent and predatory criminals from the public.