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  • RomneyCare = ObamaCare: “Mass. health care costs outpace nation”0

    • June 21, 2011

    Despite “reform,” passed by aspiring Presidential candidate Mitt Romney as Massachusetts governor, both medical spending and prices of medical care increased in the state.

  • ObamaCare’s tough day in court0

    • June 15, 2011

    Assuming the high court deigns to hear the case, [there’s] awkward reality that one of the Supreme Court justices, Elena Kagan, was obviously involved in orchestrating the legal defense of ObamaCare. Thus, there will be legitimate calls for her to recuse herself from any case involving that law.

  • White House: Buy Health Insurance or Be Poor0

    • June 10, 2011

    “[T]he government’s latest position that the [health control] law doesn’t really require people to buy health insurance at all. We have the option instead of earning less money. “