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  • Fees, Enterprises, and Colorado

    Fees, Enterprises, and Colorado0

    • July 29, 2020

    This issue paper discusses how Colorado has created loopholes, such as fees and enterprises, to bypass the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR).

  • Denver sales tax measures: Too many, too much

    Denver sales tax measures: Too many, too much0

    • October 22, 2018

    The price tag to city residents and shoppers is just too high, threatening to make an already costly city among the most expensive in the country.

  • Colorado’s proposed pension reform is a missed opportunity

    Colorado’s proposed pension reform is a missed opportunity0

    • April 24, 2018

    In November of 2016, Colorado’s Public Employees Retirement Association Board (PERA) realized it had a problem. Not only did the state’s public pension system have a current unfunded liability of $50 billion, but overly-optimistic expected returns and overly-pessimistic mortality tables would leave the plan at less than 20 percent funded in a couple of decades