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  • Unpacking Colorado’s Electric Vehicle Triumphalism

    Unpacking Colorado’s Electric Vehicle Triumphalism0

    • December 9, 2024

    Newly released electric vehicle sales data has Colorado policymakers patting themselves on the back for a job well done. The reality of the state’s vehicle market is slightly more complicated. According to a recent report from the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management, electric vehicles made up 25.3 percent of all new cars sold

  • Colorado Lawmakers Reignite the State’s ‘Oil and Gas Wars’

    Colorado Lawmakers Reignite the State’s ‘Oil and Gas Wars’0

    • March 14, 2024

    Upon signing legislation to usher in a new regulatory paradigm for the industry, Governor Jared Polis famously declared an end to Colorado’s oil and gas wars in 2019. The state’s saber-rattling legislature has other ideas in mind for 2024. Emboldened by historic majorities in the legislature, Colorado Democrats have introduced Senate Bill 159, a measure to

  • AQCC: In Less Than a Decade, 82% of Car Sales Must Be Electric

    AQCC: In Less Than a Decade, 82% of Car Sales Must Be Electric0

    • October 23, 2023

    The Polis administration intends, by hook or by crook, to see the electric vehicle industry succeed. Last Friday, unelected regulators on the Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) voted to adopt the so-called Colorado Clean Cars standard. The new regulations, which would more aptly be named the California-lite Clean Cars standard, largely replicate the California Air

  • Colorado’s Energy Future: The High Cost of 100 Percent Electric Vehicles

    Colorado’s Energy Future: The High Cost of 100 Percent Electric Vehicles0

    • September 29, 2023

    In August 2022, California became the first jurisdiction anywhere in the world to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles, setting a deadline of 2035 to phase them out completely. Just one week later, the state was forced to call on its residents to avoid charging their electric vehicles because the state’s grid was at imminent

  • Poll: Majority of Colorado Likely Voters Favor Nuclear Energy

    Poll: Majority of Colorado Likely Voters Favor Nuclear Energy0

    • May 19, 2023

    Colorado voters are broadly in favor of the country’s largest source of clean energy, according to a newly released Independence Institute/Cygnal poll. Likely general election voters across Colorado favor nuclear energy more than 2:1 (53% support, 25% oppose). 54% said they favor including nuclear power in Colorado’s clean energy mix by 2040, with support crossing

  • Dr. Polis Prescribes Even Higher Utility Bills

    Dr. Polis Prescribes Even Higher Utility Bills0

    • February 13, 2023

    Primum non nocere. Translation: first, do no harm. It’s a phrase that has been part of the medical ethics lexicon since the 17th century. Coloradans would have been wise to apply it to energy policy some two decades ago, when the eco-left began politicizing energy production, electricity, and our grid. Flanked by low-income customers, Governor