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  • 2017 is shaping up to be another winning year for gun owners

    2017 is shaping up to be another winning year for gun owners0

    • April 25, 2017

    So far this year, thirteen state legislatures have enacted laws to strengthen the right to keep and bear arms, and none have passed new gun control laws. In every year this century, pro-gun laws have outnumbered anti-gun laws, but this year’s score is particularly lopsided.

  • Paul Hsieh, MD: Why Doctors Should Not Ask Their Patients About Guns0

    • January 23, 2013

    A local colleague, Dr. Matthew Bowdish, has declared, “I will not undermine the Second or Fourth Amendment rights of any of my patients who are lawful gun owners. Nor will I record my patients’ gun ownership status in any medical records that could be accessed by government officials unless relevant to a specific medical issue.” This should be the credo of all freedom-loving physicians. Continue reading

  • John Lott: The Facts About Assault Weapons and Crime0

    • January 21, 2013

    “Yet despite being at the center of the gun-control debate for decades, neither President Obama nor Ms. Feinstein (the author of the 1994 legislation) seems to understand the leading research on the effects of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. In addition, they continue to mislabel the weapons they seek to ban.” Continue reading