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  • Storing freedom

    Storing freedom0

    • February 4, 2017

    For as much as Colorado might fancy itself the next Silicon Valley, the state is stuck in a time warp when it comes to electricity service providers. Could a modest bill regarding residential battery storage spark change for 1.4 million Xcel Energy and 93,000 Black Hills Energy ratepayers? Colorado’s investor owned utility (IOU) monopoly model

  • Counting the Cash Again: An Update on Colorado School Finance

    Counting the Cash Again: An Update on Colorado School Finance0

    • October 31, 2016

    School finance is a constant topic of interest in Colorado education discussions. However, the complex nature of school finance means that many do not feel adequately prepared to meaningfully participate in these conversations. In his latest publication, Senior Education Policy Analyst Ross Izard provides the information needed to have honest, accurate discussions of Colorado’s school finance

  • Podesta emails: Fracking ban is ‘an extreme position’

    Podesta emails: Fracking ban is ‘an extreme position’0

    • October 19, 2016

    This might be news to the “keep it in the ground” folks, but you aren’t on the Clinton campaign radar, according to recently released Podesta emails. Just prior to Super Tuesday, Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders released an ad in Colorado last saying he is “the only candidate to oppose fracking,” which prompted this response

  • What should you remember when drafting a constitutional amendment?0

    • October 16, 2016

    Last month, Citizens for Self Governance sponsored a simulated convention for proposing amendments in Williamsburg, Virginia. I was an adviser for the project, and just before the initial meeting I spoke to the assembled commissioners. My purpose was to provide them with some last-minute tips on drafting proposed constitutional amendments. Several people have asked me

  • Anti-fracking ballot measures’ failure is a win for Colorado, but it’s only temporary0

    • August 30, 2016

    The announcement today by the Colorado Secretary of State’s office that Initiatives 75 and 78, two anti-energy measures targeting hydraulic fracturing and oil and gas natural resource development and endangering property rights throughout the state failed to gather sufficient signatures to make the November ballot, was certainly welcome news for us at the Independence Institute’s

  • Seizing power: Hick may issue exec order to slash emissions

    Seizing power: Hick may issue exec order to slash emissions0

    • August 23, 2016

    Developing story One of the worst kept secrets in Colorado energy policy circles finally is public thanks to PoliticoPro. Governor John Hickenlooper has floated a draft executive order to slash carbon emissions from the power generating sector by 35 percent by 2030, as compared to 2012 levels. Doing his best President Obama impersonation, the Governor